Add on a winter vibe to your website by adding snow flurries to your website homepage & changing the video header to something seasonal!
In Website Settings > Go down to Custom Header and add this script into that box (don't worry if you already have something in here, click enter and add it inside the box)
<!-- Initiate Winter Wonderland | Paste in Custom Header of Web & IDX --><script defer src=""></script>
Now go down to "Template" and find a Seasonal YouTube Video Link, paste the link in the YouTube video spot (remove the
For example
The ID needed is: tLxeyLyvw-0
This replaces the background images you have selected on all desktop versions of your website with the specified video. On mobile sites, the background images are used instead to save your users' bandwidth and keep your mobile site moving quickly.
Use Canva to create your own Winter Wonderland Video for your area! Use a YouTube Vde template, find videos in Canva or use your own local videos! You can add multiple videos! Save all videos, upload to YouTube (unlisted) and viola, you have your own masterpiece!
Be sure to make note of what video you’re removing if you are going to put up a replacement and want to add the old one back later.
You can use the entire YouTube link if you want to add a video to a scheduled mass email for a Holiday Newsletter. For more info on scheduled mass emails, click here.
Find holiday video links in the chart below!
Set a calendar reminder to remove the falling snow & winter background.
Watch a video of me adding this to my website