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Establishing Your Expertise

How are you differentiating yourself from your competition or the other Realtors in your market? What are your strengths? What are you doing that is above the norm? Are you using your strengths in your messaging in social, print, e-mails, videos?

Here are some ideas to help you stand out:

  • How’s the market? – Update on sales, prices, trends, etc.

  • Professional Photos, before & After / Staging

  • Your local neighborhood Sales / Results / News

  • Give people a glimpse inside your process, after you just came out of an appointment, studying the MLS, etc.

  • Around town – Featuring local businesses, events, what's coming, etc.

  • Interviews with local figures – Politicians, school principals, etc.

  • Listing videos – Home tours

Make sure you are constantly coming from a place of value and authenticity in your messaging and showcase your strengths for your business!


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