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Exploring Market Reports and Valuation Settings

We absolutely LOVE the Market Reports inside of kvCORE! Did you know you can turn on market reports and / or Listing Valuations for your database so your leads are automatically set up? Set it and forget it!

Check out this video to see your options!

Of course if you want to manually do this, we recommend setting up a saved search for leads that do NOT have a Market Report set up for them! This will give you a list of everyone in your database that doesn't have a Market Report set up to email. You can work your way through the list.... this could be the perfect opportunity to reach out and ask them what report they would like to see! Once you are in contact, you can set up their specific market report, AND add a task to follow up based on your conversation!

Questions to ask:

Area & Price range they are looking at for setting up the reports

Time Frame of consideration, this will allow you to chose the correct timeframe of e-mails! (If they are actively looking, you may want weekly emails, if they are 6-12 months out, you may want monthly report emails).

Pro Tip: Make sure to set yourself up as a lead so you can set these up for yourself! (Use an email not associated with your account or remax e-mail).

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